Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Several Updates...

Alright, so I'm driving now -- yes, yes, clear the roads and all that. Really, I'm not that bad, I'm just not as confident as everyone else yet, and I don't yet have the concentration to make full use of the relatively impressive sound system in my car to WHILE driving.

Also -- I thought I was in love with some girl for like three days because she was hitting on me (really hard), and then I called her, then she started ignoring me, and now it hurts, and now one of my friends has taken sides with her in this ignoring...war. And now Creative Writing, one of the classes I signed up for that had the most potential, is almost entirely ruined because these people suck ass.

I think my imagination got me into trouble with this girl -- that's the only real explanation I can think of. Whenever I see her, or am in that class, I can't help degrading myself, reminding myself of how bloody stupid I was (am), and how much I suck.

So yeah. Life is a mixture of extremes right now, but it's not too bad. I don't work this friday/saturday, so I'll be driving around for sure, maybe meet up with the guys, play a little guitar, go do some illegal shit, you know.

Stuff like that.

That's it for now.


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