Saturday, April 21, 2007

It's Been Awhile...

I've been putting off a lot of things, not the least of which has been writing. Honestly, I haven't written in way too long. Why? Personal issues, partially, coupled with laziness, and with a dash of overwork and under-enthusiasm.

And, of course, going on a date with Kate. Yeah, that's right. From fucking nowhere! it's Kate.

I really didn't expect it either. I'd been sort of noticing that she was intelligent, well-read, attractive, and talented at writing since the start of Creative Writing class, but I always assumed that she was taken, or just not interested. Then she started showing interest, and I realized that she was probably the only female I knew who I could tolerate, and with whom I shared any interests (writing, insulting everything, being awesome), and that I did have some genuine(ly) unexplainable feelings for her.

So I asked her out on thursday. We saw Vacancy last night (Friday), and it turned out to actually be a hell of a movie. Most of its scare value was cheap thrills, and there were no monsters, so it was good stuff. Plus, we snuggled. Snuggling kicks ass, I'll be honest.

I feel like a complete jackass, though, since I showed up late, but she was cool about it. Hell, I called her afterwards and she said she had a good time, and that she'd like for me to go to her color guard performance this thursday.

So, naturally, I told work that I would NOT be able to attend on thursday, because my family died and my house burned down and I had to attend the funeral for my goldfish and I was actually coming down with something, because there's no way in hell that I'm going to miss her performing.

Shit, I'm honored just to be invited, and that alone should tell you how amazing this girl is.

She's heard of Matt Stover and Scott Oden, two of my favorite authors, and loves Chuck Palahniuk. She wins.

I can't wait to read some of the stuff she's written, and hear her opinion on some of what I've written.

1 comment:

Scott Oden said...

Well, this Kate is obviously a woman of discerning intellect :) And you can tell her I said so . . .