Monday, April 07, 2008


I can't help but wonder at the fact that the PopeMobile is bulletproof. It's just incredible. Just something I thought I'd point out.


So, I was having trouble finding something today. My dad got mad enough to start shouting, even despite my repeatedly saying "Calm down" and insisting that anger was getting us nowhere. If I'd gotten as mad as he did, I'm sure I'd be grounded, or we would've had a fistfight, or something. And yet he insists that we both go to therapy.

Fuck that. If I get forced into therapy, I'll flip. No idea what the fuck I'll do, but it won't be reasonable. I've been reasonable my whole life.

How can people claim to be conservative and hate guns? Conservatives want less government -- doesn't that mean also keeping gun control as-is? I think so. Small government -- and some enforcement to keep it that way. That's what I say.

Anyway. I had some thoughts earlier but can't remember them. Here's all for now. Cheers.

1 comment:

LastGeek said...

you don't understand what a conservative is.