Saturday, May 31, 2008

Almost Died Today

As I was returning from Noblesville, Indiana today, where I'd spent the night at a Super8 Motel (don't do that) after seeing Eric Clapton in concert (which I highly recommend doing), I was on I-65 with my dad, within 10 miles of crossing the bridge into Louisville. I nearly died. This is what happened.

I glanced up at my rearview mirror, sensing something rapidly approaching, and exclaimed "oh, FUCK!" as a late-model white Cadillac barreled up to our car, dodging into the emergency lane (we were in the far right of three lanes) at the last second and hurtling past at easily 110 miles per hour. He weaved from there all the way to the far left lane, then quickly to the right lane. By this time, my dad had his cell phone out, dialing 9-1-1; I sensed bad shit was up, obviously, and I had a terribly ominous feeling. My dad was telling the 9-1-1 operator to send "police, paramedics, firefighters -- everything. This guy is definitely gonna hit someth--oh, there he goes, he just hit someone".

We had lost sight of our madman over a hill, though I saw tire-smoke curling into the air and heard the screech of tires, and a tremendous crash. Pulling into the emergency lane ourselves and putting on the flashers, my dad and I get out to see if anyone needs first-aid at the wreck, which I had only just taken-in.

The driver of the Cadillac was going from left-to-right when he side-swiped a Chevy Suburban in the center lane that was towing a boat; the Suburban went straight-on into the guard rail, and the boat flipped out of the trailer and slid down at least 150 feet before stopping; the entirety of its path was through the emergency lane. The Suburban had 7 people aboard; 3 were children, and miraculously, no one suffered serious injury. The Suburban was leaking fluid, which I initially feared to be flammable, but then figured was just radiator fluid; its front end was thoroughly smashed, torn the fuck up, and its two front tired were almost popped. I wouldn't be surprised if the axle was bent, too. The trailer was fucked, the bar connecting it to the truck bent pretty severely, though the boat did not appear to have any significant damage, surprisingly.

The Cadillac driver was taken to the hospital; after sideswiping the Suburban, he struck the guard rail, went through a gap in two guard rails, flipped at least once, and landed right-side-up far off the road. He was taken to the hospital, and I would not be surprised in the least if he was found to have been on drugs. Serious drugs.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Let's try this coherent thought-process...thing. All right. So. Why am I a Republican? In an age where practically every supposed intellectual worships the democratic party, how can someone who claims to be at least somewhat intelligent be loyal to the Republicans, who have ruined all of our lives?

First off -- they're not Republicans. Bush is not a real Republican; he's an Imperialist, and a liar. Republicans are non-interventionist, in favor of small government and states' rights, as well as the rights of the individual, and the Constitution. Bush is none of these, nor are any of his cronies.

Second -- nothing that modern liberalism (might as well call it socialism) advocates is backed up by fact. Welfare? Fuck that; the national poverty level was decreasing until 1968; since then, it has stagnated. What happened? Welfare was established, that's what.

What about healthcare? Free healthcare for the poor was the norm, back when the government wasn't fucking with it, and doctors could afford that; now that it's the government they're fucking, doctors don't have any incentive to lower prices.

Anyone and everyone will try and get theirs from the government, on behalf of their group; where does the government's money come from? You. You're just getting your money back, at the expense of other people, if you're fucking the system. So fuck you. I have no respect for people who don't even try to provide for themselves. Pathetic.

Don't whine to me about poor families. That's why we have charity. Americans give three times as much to charity as their government uses providing the same resources to the poor -- and charity does it far more cost-effectively. And government-handled programs kill the spirit of volunteering; if the government "has it handled" (one way or another, no matter how poorly), you have no reason to lend a hand. It's being taken care of. But if it's a private organization, well, that should be no problem.

People bitch about abolishing the DOE. Fuck the DOE. Pollution? Pollution wouldn't exist if it wasn't for a Goddamn liberal who passed a law saying that the corporations could not be sued for pollution, way back in the 1800s. If you could assess damages from pollution and make a lawsuit, you would; and what would corporations do? They'd fucking quit! They'd realize how ineffective it is to fight the people over their health, and they'd quit polluting. It's that easy.

Gun control is idiotic. Bearing arms is a right; do you register to attend Church? Do you have to have a permit to carry around a Bible? No, nor should you. People who argue that schools would become shootout zones are missing the logic, here; shootings happen already, with laws in place. Without the laws, with lawful gun owners within schools, shootings would not be nearly so severe. Would you rather be a victim, or a fighter? There's no good argument here that I've ever heard that does not stem from emotion or cowardice, or rely heavily on slogans from half-assed politicians.

Freedom works. You just have to believe in your fellow man -- not the government. The government should be there to mediate disputes, and to enforce the laws (the Constitutional ones, anyway).

Government works for the people, but it does not provide everything they need, nor should it, especially at the cost of their freedoms. I want to live in an America that sticks with the Constitution, not this hippie-land where we ignore logic in favor of panic and emotion.

Fuck everything.

I've got a lot of reservations about stuff going on privately, and no one to whom I can voice them, so I'll just bitch here, and see if it's not helpful.

I like this girl, and for a while we've been exchanging facebook messages, and we've gone out twice. She's very nice, extremely smart, very into the outdoors, caring, all of that. But she's not very affectionate -- physically or otherwise. Lately, it seems like she's kinda avoiding my questions (which are admittedly buried within paragraphs) on facebook, and I'm wondering if maybe I've not driven her away, since we're not planning to do anything anytime terribly soon.

I'm going to Europe with her and many others this summer, and I know that will be fun, but I just hope I get this all worked out and that it doesn't become awkward, because that would ruin the entire trip. As much as I talk about manning stuff out, awkward situations are the worst for me to deal with. I dwell on stuff horribly, and it really gets to me.

Then again, it's concerning that I'm getting emotionally involved with someone, with college and separation looming just three months away. I can do long-distance relationships; but can she? Is that fair? Does it matter? Is it tying myself down too much? I don't know.

Apparently there's no way to express concern without it looking like bitching. Fuck everything. I don't care how it looks. It just is what it is.

Oh, and also, I got in trouble for clapping too much during an assembly. I might be forbidden from going on some field trips or something. Hopefully I'll talk my way outta this ridiculousness tomorrow.

I still want, more than anything, to get a one-way ticket to nowhere, and travel the world. Take my life into my own hands, and just go for it. I doubt I'll do that before I finish college, but hopefully sometime soon.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Another Dream

Last night I had the classic "naked at school" dream, except I had a t-shirt around my neck, and was sprinting through the halls of my high school without embarrassment. They were pretty sparse, except for a friend's sister and a few other people I hardly know. Before that, I was in AP Euro, and an ex-girlfriend was leaving that room, hit her hand on the wall, and started crying. I looked at people around me as she called for a friend, sobbing it up, and couldn't believe how much of a baby she was being.

Anyway, so I sprint down to the parking lot, naked, past all these cars, I'm laughing hysterically, and jump into my car and finally pull the shirt down to give myself some dignity. Friends are pulling out past me, waving, all that good stuff. So then I try to leave, but on the way out, there's a huge construction hole that I have to drive around.

And then, I woke up.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Crazy Dream

So, last night I had a dream.

It started in fire, with zombies. Lots of celebrities were being reported to have attacked one another, and eventually it was revealed that they were the living dead. I had already begun running into the desert, and had one of those water funnels that you just put into the ground and wait for water to seep into (yes, they do work). And so I was making my way through the desert, and then suddenly I'm on the ocean, and Stephen Trotter is at the base of a cliff that is actually a gigantic version of the meat display at a grocery store. He dares me to climb up it, and I try at first, then realize there are steps to the side, and use those.

I reach the top, and it's like a theater set up to watch the ocean, but fucking gigantic. I start talking with people, who take my weapons, and then I decide I've got to go make it on my own again, and go back to the desert.

Then I find myself talking to my Spanish teacher, still in this ocean-watching-theatre carved out of a cliff and buttressed by meat, and he tells me some of my friends have died. In Spanish.

Next thing I know, I'm walking through an abandoned town, and find a Walgreens. I go in; it's really crowded, but with actual people. I look around, confused, wondering where all the zombies have gone, when lo and behold my Spanish teacher comes from the back room and tells me that this part of the world is clear of zombies. He then takes me to my high school, where I find that the electricity is working, everyone has a weapon (including me), and life is good, because there's lots of food.

At one point in this dream I was walking through some weird version of my neighborhood, like it was all under construction (or destruction), and it was broad daylight, but I saw no zombies.

Anyway, so here I am at my old high school with my Spanish teacher, and we're catching up on old times.

Then suddenly I'm in the desert again, at the outskirts of some African village, when an army convoy of sorts pulls up, and I surrender, and they call someone forward, and over a dune rolls my Spanish teacher in full bad-ass Army getup, carrying a gun, and he comes over and we talk.

And then I woke up.

Crazy, huh?

Monday, April 07, 2008


I can't help but wonder at the fact that the PopeMobile is bulletproof. It's just incredible. Just something I thought I'd point out.


So, I was having trouble finding something today. My dad got mad enough to start shouting, even despite my repeatedly saying "Calm down" and insisting that anger was getting us nowhere. If I'd gotten as mad as he did, I'm sure I'd be grounded, or we would've had a fistfight, or something. And yet he insists that we both go to therapy.

Fuck that. If I get forced into therapy, I'll flip. No idea what the fuck I'll do, but it won't be reasonable. I've been reasonable my whole life.

How can people claim to be conservative and hate guns? Conservatives want less government -- doesn't that mean also keeping gun control as-is? I think so. Small government -- and some enforcement to keep it that way. That's what I say.

Anyway. I had some thoughts earlier but can't remember them. Here's all for now. Cheers.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

No More

Why can't people just be happy? There's so much shit to appreciate out there, and yet people -- Americans especially -- are constantly wanting more. There are many things this world would be better off without, and ironically, those are some of the things Americans want most. Shit like:

Cosmetic surgeons -- So, you went to medical school and acquired knowledge that could allow you to help thousands of people, have an equally successful career, and be generally happy with yourself...but instead you choose to perform surgery on celebrities, and everyone will know it was performed, and it looks shitty anyway? You should just kill yourself.

Humvees in civilian hands -- Oh, so you want everyone to know you have a small penis? That's cool. Do you have to pollute the environment, drive like a dickhead, and shit all over the common rules of etiquette when it comes to parking while you do it? You could just buy a t-shirt. I mean, shit, have you ever taken that thing off-road? No? Then you're a wasteful pussy, and I hope you turn that shit over into a river and drown.

Plasma screen televisions -- Just another reason for people to live beyond their means, keeping up with the Joneses, and generally letting their brains waste away by having their opinions fed to them by the media -- which is owned by the corporations selling the shit advertised on TV.

Cell phones (mostly) -- Aside from a car accident or other emergency, I wish cellular telephones would completely disappear from society. I do not want to be reachable at every hour of the day, and I do not want to lug around a piece of plastic capable of doing almost everything my computer can. Just for the record, the next person who answers a cell phone in my presence, leaving me to sit there like some awkward peon who has nothing better to do than pretend he's not listening to your unimportant conversations about your unimportant lives, will find themselves talking into my fist instead.

TV Stations -- Television is for dumbasses and sheep. If you don't read books, if you don't discuss important shit frequently with people different than you, if you don't get out into the world and experience things, I have no respect for you. You probably own a Hummer, you braindead cuntmuffin. You're sure as hell not reading this.

People Without Opinions -- While there is hope for these people, I'll first point out that they're barely living. As Americans, it is your responsibility to research every topic about which you have an opinion, and know everything about it, inside and out, before you start preaching that opinion to other people. As vulgar as anything might be, it is even more vulgar to fail to understand it.

Lemme digress momentarily: this applies especially to guns. What people fail to understand about gun control has very little to do with guns, and everything to do with America.

No, I'm not about to throw the 2nd Amendment at you, though I do believe in it.

The reason Americans own -- and need to have the right to own -- guns, is that for all the evils that guns may cause, the answer will never, ever, be prohibiting guns. The answer is, and I want you all to prepare yourselves for this, because it is a World Changer: responsibility. Responsibility is the reason that we have so many freedoms. We are given the right to do things, but it is understood that we have the responsibility to be reasonable in doing them.

If you are responsible for your firearms, they will harm no innocents.

If you are responsible for your children, they will not be killers, they will not do drugs, they will not commit crimes, they will not be shitty drivers and hard-core drinkers.

Drugs are an outlet for people with shitty lives. Children who are loved as much as they deserve do not need drugs, or alcohol; they don't need anything else to make them feel good about who they are.

Alright, back to the list.

Tanning beds -- This is a by-product of the bullshit media telling you that you're not good as you are. And the funny thing about this is that even people I've heard preaching about the media are still going to tanning beds on an almost weekly basis. Why? Because they weren't raised to feel good about themselves. I am absolutely certain that any and all of this could be avoided by responsible and intelligent parenting.

Why do you have to change yourselves to feel better, Americans? Why does it cost money to fit in? Why do your friends only give a shit about your possessions?

Answer these questions, America. Then come talk to me.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Culture Shock

I've kinda had the blogging itch for a couple weeks, but never really acted on it. Laziness, perhaps.

Today, I was pushed over the edge.

In psychology, we were watching a Frontline special on "cool-chasing", which is the practice of large companies interviewing kids and conducting research to find out what modern teen culture is like. Why?

So they can profit off of it.

This wouldn't be too terrible, if it didn't come with one necessary side-effect: it destroys whatever culture/sub-culture it's emulating, like a fucking parasite. In other words, they don't give a fuck about destroying your way of life, your culture, and making it into a mass-produced shitpile of plastic goods from China. They're in it to make money. Your interests are irrelevant to them.

I'm not saying they should be relevant. But still. Fuck corporations that do this.

And another thing: why the fuck would anyone want to do away with the 2nd Amendment? I can't even imagine it. Aside from the short-term effect of increased crime (well sheeeiitt, he don't have a gun, let's rob his ass!), there's the fact that the government will be the only entity left with firearms. What the fuck does that signify?

It means we're at their mercy.

You might know of another example of a government that disarmed its people: Nazi Germany. That was the first step in the Final Solution. What can a disarmed people do? They are impotent, and they are ripe for genocide.

I am sorry, but I do not trust any government as being the sole bearer of deadly firepower.

Anyway, got some work to do on the bug-out bag, and I'm considering converting the AAA car bag I have to just that purpose.

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Watershed

Ever had a moment in your life where several different, seemingly completely unrelated thoughts come together, and you realize that the reason you learned all of those things is for just THAT moment?

I just had that. Let me explain, starting with "source material", if you will:

"In an avalanche, no single snowflake feels responsible." -- Nietzsche

"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do." -- Helen Keller

What universal, ridiculously correct truths, with two very important applications: global warming, and Ron Paul.

First, for global warming -- I've found it easy to justify, in the past, my environmentally poor actions by saying "well, millions of other people do worse things -- and, in the big picture, what I'm doing has no tremendous impact on the environment, so what's the big deal?" You see what I'm getting at, here? I justify it, because there are so many other snowflakes, and neglect to recognize that even though I'm only one, I am denying myself the ability to do all that I can.

That stops, right now.

Second, for Ron Paul. Whenever people learn that I support him, no matter what their political views, without exception, their first statement is, "You know he's not going to win, right?"

You. Idiot.

What on earth is the point of saying that? You think you'll instantly change my political views, just by pointing out that perhaps he doesn't have the majority of votes in any particular state, you two-bit shitwad? Next time, before you open your mouth, consider what you're trying to accomplish with whatever it is you're spewing.

This is exactly what's wrong with American democracy: the media. People see the results of other states, and they say "aww, well, this guy's not gonna win anyway, I might as well not vote for him."

What the hell manner of idiocy is this? First off, just because they don't have as many votes does NOT mean they don't deserve as much media coverage, and this works both ways -- more votes means more media coverage, and more media coverage means more votes. Second, if you're voting for someone based on whether they're likely to win or not, why are you voting? Shit -- why is your half-braindead ass even breathing? Moron.

You have nothing to lose by voting for someone who is likely to lose. This is not Cuba: you will not be lined up against a wall and shot for failing to agree with the prevailing regime. What Americans need to do before they're allowed to vote, is demonstrate that they have researched and responsibly taken it upon themselves to understand what each and every candidate stands for, instead of letting themselves be swayed by emotional music videos and our ridiculously biased media.

I don't care who you vote for, as long as you genuinely, truly, completely understand every single thing that they stand for, and believe that they are the best -- not because that rally was really inspiring, not because that music video made you cry, not because he's black or white or asian or whatever-the-hell.

Got me?

Please, Americans. Think.

Monday, February 18, 2008

To Live Forever

"If I started from the top,
And worked my way down...
There'd be no reason,
To live forever."

--Dream Theater

I've been doing a lot of thinking. Mostly about politics, and guns, and my family, and my future, and everything in general.

And then I got on 4chan, and saw this girl looking for somewhere to live, because her father got arrested for possessing crack.

Now, I don't fucking care about anything I've thought before.

It's like, I worry myself half to death, thinking logically and methodically, and all I really want to do is let go, put it all behind me. Just leave.

Why can't I do that?

Am I some kind of fucking coward? I've always told myself that when it really came down to it, I'd be brave, I'd stand up for what I believe in.

But I could just leave, right now, start my own life, make it on my own. Today could be the day that I exercise all my supposed courage. Yet I don't. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I hate this life. I hate suburbia, I hate being provided for, I hate being in the upper middle-class, I hate living in a society built on apathy, and I hate being self-aware of all of this. Sometimes, I think that my final painting will be my own brains, across a wall somewhere. I just don't want any of this, and yet I have no choice but to accept.

I wish life was as easy as it is in "American Gods". It's not.

I wish that it was possible to just drop everything and go into the woods, to live simply, like Thoreau. It's not.

I wish that the people around me would have the guts to own up to their share of responsibility in the disaster this world has become, instead of just shaking their heads and blaming others. They won't.

More than anything, I wish I could make all of this happen. I wish any of this was even possible. It's not.

Is that why people write books? Is that why I want to be a writer? To live a life that's not even possible? Shit.


I will end my life before accepting that my life can't be anything and everything that I want it to be.

And I would rather it be over than be willing to accept that I "need" someone else in my life to validate its existence. I do not. I do not need to be understood, loved, or appreciated, because physically speaking, without these things, I will not die. And I will not change.

And by a practically opposite note from my blatant and idiotic romanticism: people need to be more responsible. They see the infomercials about the people whose human rights are trampled on by the companies that bring Americans their shoes, yet still they buy them. It's such bullshit.

Ignorance isn't bliss. People can't even feign ignorance anymore. Not having to take accountability -- THAT is bliss. Anonymity is bliss.

If I ran this country, that'd just be tough shit. Responsibility comes before any kind of feigned ignorance, regardless of what anyone says. And companies who don't respect human rights can get the hell out. I refuse to purchase anything from them on a personal level, and I don't think anyone in this country, in good conscience, should be capable of purchasing something made in a sweatshop.

No wonder everyone hates us.

I just remembered a quote from Nietzsche: "In an avalanche, no snowflake feels responsible." God, if that isn't the truth today, I don't know what is.

We're all riding an avalanche, straight into hell.

I just hope to God that I have the time to purchase a rifle or two, and get proficient in their use, before it comes.